Download the app and get ready.
Download the App for Alert Notifications, Absentee Notifications, quick links to School Newsletter, School Event Calendar, Daily Notices and much more! Go to the App Store on your Apple or Android Device and search SchoolAppsNZ to download the App to your phone or tablet. Once downloaded, search for Pinehurst School.
Subscribe Alerts
1. Click on the Alerts button on the home page.
2. Click on the tick icon at the top right corner to check your subscriptions.
3. Place a tick next to the Alert topic/group/activity you are interested in. If you find there are too many alerts or something you are no longer interested in, you can come back here and uncheck the alert topic.
The alert notifications are not equivalent to other communication ways. If Pinehurst school sends out whole school communication email, text message, the emails and SeeSaw messages from teachers are still going to you.