As part of your school account, you are provided with a Pinehurst Onedrive
You can store up to 1TB of data in this location Your Onedrive can be synchronised to your machine so that you can access files at all times
If you are on a Windows machine, you already have OneDrive
Setting up OneDrive – Mac or PC
Open your Pinehurst OneDrive via / Schoolbox or directly from here
Log in with your username and password
Click on Sync
If you are on a PC with OneDrive installed you will have a screen as below:
Choose Open.
If you are on a Mac, and do not have OneDrive installed choose “get the latest version of OneDrive” in the other box that appears
Setting up Files on Demand
When you turn on Files On-Demand, you’ll see all your files in File Explorer and get new information about each file. New files created online or on another device appear as online-only files, which don’t take up space on your device. When you’re connected to the Internet, you’ll be able to use the files like every other file on your device.
Use Files on Demand to Save space – Windows
Use Files on Demand to Save Space – Macintosh
Configure Auto Backup for your Documents, Desktop and Pictures (Windows)
- If your Microsoft Account has already got AutoBackup setup, you may wish to stop this and start on your School Account
- If you are unsure if you are backing up – come to ICT services and we can help you get it set up.
- Right click on the Blue OneDrive cloud in the taskbar
- Choose Settings
- Choose Backup > Manage backup