When you have got your new laptop, you will be able to set it up with most capabilities before bringing it to school.

You will require your personal Microsoft Account or AppleID to setup your machine.

Once you have set up the basics, you will be able to install Microsoft Office, free with your school account.

At school - you will be able to set up for wireless access and printing 

A short version of instructions and fully detailed versions follow. We do not generally need to see student's machines in ICT but if they are unable to complete some steps, can help. (We do not do initial setup of machines)

At Pinehurst School, College students use core platforms:

  • Schoolbox - this is our Learning management system – this is web based and requires no setup Schoolbox 
  • Microsoft 365 - This consists of Productivity software (word, excel etc) and Cloud Storage (OneDrive - 1TB of storage) - Office.com
  • Adobe Creative Cloud – this is also available for College Students – Year 9 and all art student are expected to install this for use in classes

Note: Chromebooks, iPads and Android Tablets are not recommended device. While some software may run, these do not meet our minimum specifications. However, you can try Adobe Express (Adobe Express)

Expectations on Students

  • Bring your device fully charged to school each day
  • Your laptop should use the English Operating Software and Microsoft Office should be the English Version
  • You have installed Microsoft Office - this is free to Pinehurst Students and can be installed from Office.com
  • You install operating system updates and patches as released
  • Anti-virus software is running – Windows 10/11 machines come with Windows defender 


Getting Started - You will need to know

  • Your Microsoft Account or Apple ID (Your Microsoft Account is not the same as your School account - if you do not have one, you will be prompted to create one as part of your setup process)
  • Your Pinehurst Credentials: your email address (username@pinehurst.school.nz ) and your password (If you are new to Pinehurst School we will be in touch with this information. )


Recommended settings - the short version (Longer versions follow)

  1. At home - Set up your new laptop from out of the box. Sign-in with your Microsoft Account or Apple ID
  2. At home - Install and configure core applications Office365 (English Language version), and OneDrive. Configure your school  Onedrive to auto backup Pictures, Documents and Desktop automatically
  3. At School - Connect to school wireless pinehurst-byod and Setup printing from byod
  4. At home – If you are in Year 9 or are studying art, install Adobe Creative Cloud (your art teacher will help you when you need it) - 
  5. At any time - Install other optional software for your courses or for productivity
  6. At home - Register for self-password reset or change your password if you are using one you were given. Change Your Password (sharepoint.com)

AND - if you get stuck or want some assistance - come to ICT Services in Junior College

Note - We do not manage student byod devices.

When installing or signing into a Microsoft 365 application (eg Teams, Outlook) for the first time, yoy may be asked whether you want your organisation to manage your device. The correct answer is no, sign in to this app only

oops - did you already click Ok and are in knots.... Press the Windows key, type Access work or school, Choose this option.

If you see that you are connected to Pinehurst School's Azure AD, disconnect.

1. New Windows PC - Out of the Box settings

When you start your new laptop, these are the settings that we recommend.

  1. Region: New Zealand
  2. KeyBoard layout: US
  3. No Second Keyboard layout
  4. Connect to your wireless (we will do the school one later)
  5. Sign in with Microsoft : Use a Microsoft account or Create One (You can not use your school account). If you do not have one, you can create one   either 
    1. Option: Use an existing email address - eg a gmail address (Do not use your school email account) 
    2. Option: Create a new email address
  6. Create a PIN (that you can remember) - or skip this step for now
  7. Option: Back up files with OneDrive (Choose Only Save files to this PC) 
    1. you can change this later when you have installed your school onedrive with 1TB storage available
  8. Activity History - Either option is fine
  9. Review Privacy Settings and choose Accept
  10. Your New device will start up - logon if necessary

2. Install Core Applications

Most installation can be done from our Pinehurst Dashboard:  https://pinehurstschool.nz

You can also get to the Pinehurst Dashboard from our home page

Note: If you have a version of office that came with your laptop (PC or Mac), we recommend you uninstall it.


A. Install Office

  1. Go to the Pinehurst Dashboard - Choose Office365  (or go to https://office.com)
  2. Login with your Pinehurst Credentials (yourusername@pinehurst.school.nz)
  3. Click on the Install Office Apps button
    Graphical user interface, text, application

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  4. Depending on your browser, click Run (in Edge or Internet Explorer), Setup (in Chrome), or Save File (in Firefox)
  5. Allow Microsoft Office to download to your computer.  This may take several minutes depending on your internet connection speed.
  6. After downloading, click the Run option.  Office will begin to install.                              
  7. Once at the "You're good to go" screen, this means the Microsoft Office Suite of applications has been installed successfully.  Click All done! to complete the installation.                              
  8. That's it!
  9. When you open any of the Office applications for the first time, you may need to login with your Organisation account (Your School credentials) 

Installing on Macintosh 

  • Install the latest version of Office that is displayed 
  • Allow the download to complete and then run the Office for Mac Installer

Notes and possible Issues

Using a Microsoft Account

  • If Office is signed in with your Microsoft Account, we suggest you sign out, and sign in using your school account


Office already installed on laptop?

  • We recommend uninstalling any other versions of Office that may have come pre-installed you’re your laptop. The Pinehurst version has all software applications.

Uninstalling Office on Windows: 

  1. Press the Windows Key and type Add or Remove
  2. Choose Add or Remove Programs
    A picture containing icon

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  3. Search for Office and Uninstall
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Uninstall Office on a Mac

You must be signed in as an administrator on the Mac or provide an administrator name and password to complete these steps.

  1. Open Finder > Applications.
  2. Command COMMAND+click to select all of the Office for Mac applications.
  3. Ctrl+click an application you selected and click Move to Trash.
    Move the Office apps to the trash

B. Install and Configure OneDrive

As part of your school account, you are provided with a Pinehurst Onedrive 

You can store up to 1TB of data in this location Your Onedrive can be synchronised to your machine so that you can access files at all times  

If you are on a Windows machine, you already have onedrive 

If you are on a Mac, go to https://onedrive.live.com/about/en-gb/download/


Log on to your OneDrive here and choose Sync to connect your laptop to your onedrive


More information

Choosing which folders to sync 

Use Files on Demand to Save space - Windows

Use Files on Demand to Save Space - Macintosh

Configure Auto Backup for your Documents, Desktop and Pictures (Windows)

  • Right click on the Blue cloud in the taskbar
  • Choose Settings
  • Choose Backup > Manage backup

(More information)

Possible Issue

  • If your Microsoft Account has already got AutoBackup setup, you may wish to stop this and start on your School Account (Your Personal OneDrive will only store small amount of data)

If you are unsure if you are backing up - come to ICT services and we can help you get it set up.

C. Adobe Creative Cloud - College Students – Year 9 and Art students

If you are a member of College, a licence has been allocated for you to be able to install Creative Cloud which includes Photoshop

(Note: you do not need this application to read pdf files) 

First Time Install

  1. Download and install the desktop application from https://www.adobe.com/nz/creativecloud/desktop-app.html
  2. Run the Creative Cloud Installer
  3. Follow the Prompts to set up Creative Cloud Apps
  4. Note: Sign in with your Enterprise ID (this is your school email) – when you are prompted
  5. Once the Desktop app is installed, choose the apps that you want to use


Installation or Sign-in Issues

If a user finds that they can not sign in to Creative Cloud, the worst case scenario is that they have to uninstall all of Creative Cloud.

This can be done from the Control Panel by uninstalling individual applications and finally Creative Cloud or by downloading and running the Adobe CC Cleaner tool by following the instructions at the bottom of this document


3. Connect to School Services

A. @School   - Connecting to Wireless

  1. Choose Pinehurst-byod
  2. A webpage will appear requesting you to login (if it does not, try going to bbc.com to initiate the page)
  3. Connect with your network login (the short version of your credentials) and your password

If you have setup a static IP or DNS on your home network, you will be unable to connect to our network

B. @School - Connecting for Printing (Mobility Print)

Instructions are different depending on whether your device is a PC or a Mac. 

For all options - go to https://pinehurst.nz/byodprint

Instructions for PC - Print Deploy Client

Quick install: For PC - you will need to download an app from here, login using your network login. This will only work at school.

Instructions for Mac

No installation required but a few more steps the first time.

  1. Make sure you are connected to our network
  2. Navigate to System Preferences > Printers and Scanners.
  3. Click the  icon under the Printers List.
  4. The Add dialog is displayed. This dialog displays a list of all of the discovered printers on the network - Choose BYOD FindMe
  5. Select the FindMe Printer. The Name, Location, and Use is displayed.
  6. Check that Use is set to Secure AirPrint. (If Secure AirPrint is not displayed - it will not work -  a) Close the Add dialog. b) Disconnect from the wireless network. c) Reconnect to the wireless network. d) Try again. e) If you still cannot see Secure AirPrint, contact ICT.)
  7. Click Add. 

Print your first document. When prompted enter your Network username and password.  (Not your Mac Username)

You will not be asked again for your username.

C. Check you can connect to Schoolbox

Schoolbox is our Learning Management System Click, Login with SSO Go there at https://schoolbox.pinehurst.school.nz/

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If you are not due to start at Pinehurst for a while, you may not be able to login or may not see any of your classes or your timetable.   

Your Parents will be given information once you start at Pinehurst enabling them to set a password so that they can see information related to you. This comes from admissions


4. Install Optional Applications

You may choose to install some additional applications - these can be done from our Pinehurst Dashboard: https://pinehurstschool.nz 

Your teacher may direct you to install applications specific for your courses.

The Pinehurst Dashboard also has links to applications that you may find useful to install such as:

  • Edge (Chromium) for Mac - a fast browser that uses the chrome engine – integrates well with Office365
  • Chrome Browser for Mac and PC
  • Teams for Mac


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Other bits

Adobe Creative Cloud - Installation or Sign-in Issues

If a user finds that they can not sign in to Creative Cloud, the worst case scenario is that they have to uninstall all of Creative Cloud.

This can be done from the Control Panel by uninstalling individual applications and finally Creative Cloud or by downloading and running the Adobe CC Cleaner tool or by following the instructions below

5. Getting More Help

Go to https://helpdesk.pinehurst.nz for more ICT Help 

You can also email helpdesk@pinehurst.school.nz  if you have a specific question.    

6. Change Your Password

Make sure you are the only one that knows your password.

You can change your password from 

  • A school computer - press Ctrl-Alt-Del
  • or using the link on Schoolbox - or here.
    • To change your password online, you will need to register for self password reset - providing an alternative email address, a mobile or answering security questions

Change your Password - you cannot use your name (Some tips on setting a good password)


Consider using a PassPhrase rather than a password

A password is a word or a series of letters, numbers and symbols such as ‘yourname123!’.

A passphrase is longer than a password and may have spaces in between words such as ‘Panda orange Spain boat’.



The stranger your password is the easier it is for you to remember! Some ideas to think about include:

  • An easy to remember acronym.
  • A combination of three or more unrelated words incorporating numbers.
  • Lyrics from a song you’ll easily remember.
  • A silly yet easy to remember phrase such as BananasPlayDiscoUnderTriangleSuns.
  • Using a combination of words from different languages if you’re multilingual.


Avoid using standard dictionary words or the name of a child, pet or sports team or something that will be easily guessed.

You should also avoid using the password storage options offered by web browser, as they are frequently targeted by hackers. Web browsers are targeted by hackers because if they can compromise the browser they can get access to the passwords you have stored in the browser.

Some of the most commonly used passwords

  1. Password
  2. 123456
  3. 12345678
  4. 1234
  5. qwerty